Dream Builders FoundaTION
The Dream Builders Foundation is committed to the ideals of education, the vitality of leadership, the essence of health and welfare, and the importance of community & economic empowerment. To this end, we encourage individuals and organizations who share in our vision, to apply for our scholarships and grants, so that together we can create a better today, so that dreams can be fulfilled.
The Dream Builders Foundation Grant and Scholarship Applications are available to students (graduating high school seniors, college undergraduates and graduate students) in stated geographic area listed on the application. Please complete all of the required sections. The Dream Builders Foundation applications are available online on the Dream Builders website. Notification of awards will be by e-mail. Award notification will take place in June for high school students and October of each year for undergraduates.
The Dream Builder Foundation provides opportunities to assist students with educational costs through scholarships. For High School students, the Dream Builders Scholarship, the Samuel C.Hamilton General Scholarship, and the Samuel C. Hamilton Achievement Scholarship are
Undergraduate College students can also apply for the Dream Builders Scholarship and the Thomas J. Chisholm, Jr Scholarship.
Undergraduate and Graduate students can apply for the Dr. Joseph E. Cordero scholarship.